Monday, January 10, 2011


I want to approach India and my yoga practice there with what the Buddhists call "beginner's mind."

Another way of characterizing that, I think, is to come to the experience with the attitude of what, in the Western tradition, would be called a "novice," or "neophyte."

It's traditional for such beginners to shave their heads as evidence of their commitment to the endeavor; in the same vein, there's always that scene in war movies where the new recruits get their long locks sheared by the military barber as they enter basic training.

In part with all this in mind, and in part because I don't want to have the pack hair goop on my travels abroad, I went in for the buzz cut today.

To this beginner, anyway, at least it feels like a start.

1 comment:

  1. front shot! you with out your hair, wow that will be a change!
